Zen Drive - updated information

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Zen Drive - updated information

Lee Oswald
In case you haven't seen this. I know the person behind the user name 11Gauge, and can vouch for their reliability and knowledge.

Anyway, for those who want a 1:1 correct Zen Drive clone:

I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Zen Drive - updated information

Cool, we'll have to get hold of one to see what else if anything has been changed so I can do an updated layout.
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Re: Zen Drive - updated information

So this is the Lovepedal version. I'll still continue using the AD712 but I'm interested in what the germanium diode would bring to the table..
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Re: Zen Drive - updated information

Lee Oswald
In reply to this post by IvIark
I suppose we'll see what is found when someone gets one of these "new" ZD's. Apparently the agreement between Alf and Sean was that the ZD had to remain identical to the Hermida built pedal. I never bought the AD712 theory as it was based on nothing that anyone could point to. and doing an A/B of a clone against the real thing, the AD712 sounded *nothing* like the official version i.e. Hermida's version. While no one could come to a consensus on which chip sounded like the "real" one, it was narrowed down to the OPA2604, NE5532 and the OPA2134.

The third diode really makes quite a difference. It's definitely worth socketing and auditioning various diodes in there.

I can't imagine that Sean would alter the original ZD, because if word got out, it would really screw his sales. Folks most likely won't want an "improved" ZD, they want what Robben Ford, Vince Gill and others are using.

But I'll remain open minded until someone gets their mitts on a Lovepedal Zen Drive.
I didn't shoot anyone.
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Re: Zen Drive - updated information

In reply to this post by Lee Oswald
i have a bunch of PCB's left over from testing http://www.reddit.com/r/KarmaDrive/  I will order a couple of those chips to try.  Definitely a lot cheaper than what I was using.

if any one wants access to have high quality Zen PCB's made up check out the it released open source PCB designs and link to a shared project on OSH.
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Re: Zen Drive - updated information

In reply to this post by Lee Oswald
I've sent a clone using the AD712 to a guy in the USA who had an original and he said they sounded identical. Just goes to show it's in the ear of the beholder. Or maybe Hermida used different IC's now and then. I have an original Meathead and the transistors in that are not whats listed in layouts online but maybe he did use those trannys at some point. Anyway, I've just built one using the NE5532 and a Ge diode. It does sounds VERY slightly different, not 'better', just different.