Zendrive build - Opamp getting hot, no sound

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Re: Zendrive build - Opamp getting hot, no sound

Travis wrote
Nice work Mac! Glad you were able to figure this out

Debugging is always a pain in the ass, but the fact that you worked through it will help you in the future.
Thanks and you are so right.  It takes patience (which is a struggle) and often times just letting it sit and coming back with fresh eyes to figure it out.  This is the first time I've sought online help and appreciate you all taking time to help me troubleshoot.  Each debugging success gives you an education and you know more about what to look for in future.  I've only had one build that I have not eventually found the issue for...a Maestro MFZ-1...even built it twice off two different vero layouts.  I have those in the drawer and will revisit again at some point as that was one of my first builds.  My troubleshooting skills should be better now...if not I may show back up on here with that board down the road .  Thanks again!