Zendrive "signal generator"

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Zendrive "signal generator"

Hello people!
Last build: Zendrive!
No problems while building, netiher testing, it worked alright even with the wrong tone pot (put a 20k lin just for testing).
But today I'm mounting it inside a box (raw aluminum) to play a little and decide if I finish a box for the zen or for the kalamazoo. As soon as hook it up to my pedal board and to the power supply, the pedal generate a noise like a signal generator, like a sine wave. By turning any knob I get a different frequency.

I was wondering if somebody already had a problem like that?

Thank you for the help!

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Re: Zendrive "signal generator"

Hi again!

Just thought it could be useful for someone else.

At first I didn't identify it as an oscillation problem. But by reading some other posts I was able to resolve the problem. I've just rearranged the wires inside the box, power to one side and signal to another and I also cut my wires shorter.
VoilĂ , no more oscillation.

Just waiting my order with the right pot to enjoy my Zendrive!
