Alex wrote
Would this schematic work (I've removed the FET switching)?
CN1 is Color. CN6 is Level.
Is CN7 Gate? What are the other pots?
Schematic looks like it should work
CN1 is color, using a dual-gang pot to do a gyrator cut+boost (frequency seems to be pretty low according to a calculator i used) tied to a treble roll off
CN2 is drive
CN4 is a big muff tone pot
CN5 is the gate (varies the Vref to the opamp between 1/2Vc and much lower)
CN6 is Level
CN7 is resonance, it is like a volume pot that adjusts how much pre-tonestack distorted signal is sent back into the input
... and I can't find CN3. Assume there isn't one.
I'd definitely breadboard it first to check it works.