Zvex Fuzzolo

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Re: Zvex Fuzzolo

Ciaran Haslett
The Woolly Mammoth, which this is with fixed resistors instead of pots, has a 2k lin pot between the cathode of the 100u cap and ground labelled Wool.  You could add that back into the layout.

Add a cut beside the B of the second 2n3904
flip the 100u so its cathode goes 1 row above its anode
put a wire on that row to your new fuzz pot lug 1
Fuzz lugs 2 and 3 to ground

Heres the WM schematic for reference

Let us know how you get on.  Cheers
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Re: Zvex Fuzzolo

Chris S
Ciaran, Thanks so much. Worked well. After a bit of messing around ended up putting a 470 ohm resistor between the 100u cap and ground (that'd be like having The gain at around 2:30 On the wooly mammoth.

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Re: Zvex Fuzzolo

Ciaran Haslett
Happy days.  Glad you're getting enjoyment out of it.  All the best!
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Re: Zvex Fuzzolo


Wonderful job Ciaran!

Watching youtube's videos, I've noticed that the PW control is reversed in the original...the gated fuzz sound is "on the right". Is it true?
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Re: Zvex Fuzzolo

Ciaran Haslett
Hi Giudis

You may be correct.  Although I did breadboard it, I never built it.  And I was learning how to use Eagle to draw schematics at the time too.  So I may have labelled the pout lugs wrong on the PW control.  Some of the folks here who built it could better answer your question.
