Zvex Fuzzolo

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Zvex Fuzzolo

The Zvex Fuzzolo is an ideal candidate for a small 1590A enclosure. With only two controls (volume and pinch, or pulse width) it's a cut down fuzz compared with the Woolly Mammoth or Fuzz Factory. In fact, it might even be a cut down Woolly Mammoth, in which case please let me know - I won't bother you any more with this pedal request and will go away and build as per http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.nz/2012/10/zvex-woolly-mammoth-cut-down-version.html.

If it isn't a Woolly Mammoth then I'd appreciate a layout!

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Re: Zvex Fuzzolo

Hey dude. If you don't post a schematic we won't be able to help you