Zvex Loop Gate

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Zvex Loop Gate

Reference: http://www.zvex.com/loopgate.html

I honestly only care about having the Gate optional, and the three controls for the Gate itself. Engaging the loop itself is easy, and I don't care about the buffer or chop.

I did find this: http://www.americaspedal.net/fx30b/

Which has schematics, but I question how good it is, and I question my ability to turn ONLY the gate off. I think this is an always gated design, so I would have to work on modding that. Any thoughts on if it will suck some tone and make my pedal sound different, or if it'll just gate?

Any thoughts on this would be awesome, or if someone for some reason just has schematics...
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Re: Zvex Loop Gate

Neil mcNasty
I really want to build the DOD Loop Gate and I'm able to make a layout for it as it is (not shure about your customizing request though, I'm not that experienced...)
But the schematic does not list what kind of IC the U3 is supposed to be.
Anyone have a clue?
Could it be a relay switch for bypass that can be omitted if using true bypass?

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Re: Zvex Loop Gate

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Re: Zvex Loop Gate

Neil mcNasty
Cool! Thanks!

I'll do my very best to try to make a working layout...
I started yesterday and I then discovered that it was a bit bigger then what I'm used to, and I will not get it small enough for B-size enclosure. I'm just not that good at this as Mark and Miro.
I will probably need some help debugging/revising it when done.
I hope to get it done before the weekend.