allesz dirty punk repeater

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allesz dirty punk repeater

This one is pretty small on components. I can only find a video of David of doing a perf tutorial with this circuit, with a small demo at the end.

Schematic can be found here video here

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Re: allesz dirty punk repeater

My vero skills are suuuper rusty, but it was a nice change of pace. Forgive the angled resistors, but it should be ok.

When I built it on perf it worked just fine on my home rig/power supply, but on a friend's rig (with arguably a better power supply) it whined like crazy, even after I added more power filtering. YMMV
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Re: allesz dirty punk repeater

Sweet, thanks alot. Just finished the build and it works fine so it's verified, so don't worry about looks and whatnot as long as it works.

I agree there is a whiny whistle on some settings, but I also build a Ersatz Verben psuedo reverb by culturejam and it has that problem, so it's definitely the circuit.

Again thanks for the layout, I saw it on your site but I tried another delay on perf from there and it's above my skills. Kudos to those that do perf builds, though I prefer veroboard.