am getting into drone and self-oscillating things. suggested circuits to try?

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am getting into drone and self-oscillating things. suggested circuits to try?

i've been getting into drone lately using an old yamaha synth (ps-something-random from the 1980s) and my more ambient guitar pedals (many of them built from layouts here).

am now hellbent on making this a bigger part of what i do rather than just playing around, so am looking for some interesting synthy sequencery type circuits on vero to build.

am building a baby 8 4107 sequencer this weekend which i want to pair up with a modded monotron, and am also thinking about building a mfos weird sound generator (though the only vero layout i have is in a fairly eye-strain-inducing format and not as intelligible as the usual found here).

anyway, i thought i would ask wise heads here if anyone has any suggestions for interesting circuits to look at re drone and analog synth?
am a vero person (though if pcbs are available and affordable i am still interested).
if they are relatively simple schematics (up to about twelve bits is my threshold, and that is pushing it atm) i maybe able to make vero layouts and post them here.

am also on the lookout for a bigger on-going modular analog synth project. something that i could build one module a month for, over a year (vco, filter, lfo, etc), to end up with something really useful at the end. like building twelve pedals and turning them into one big pedal at the end.

i've looked at yusynth, ken stone and mfos, but there's not a lot out there on vero that i can put together in a meaningful way to make a coherent whole (synth byo seems to vary a lot more than guitar things, mixed voltages, compatibility issues with different signals).
so also looking for ideas and links for that big longer term one.

many thanks if you have any ideas or suggestions.
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Re: am getting into drone and self-oscillating things. suggested circuits to try?

Music From Outer Space is a great site and resource.
I have built their WSG Weird Sound Generator, which is great for drone and can be easily adapted for CV and Gate. There is a vero layout on their site as well as PCBs. I went with the PCBS as their vero layout was tough for me to make since of at the time.
I have also built their Noise Toaster, which has filters, LFO and Envelope. It also has CV in capabilities that sound great with a sequencer.
These two are on the simple end of what is on the site. There is also much more in the modular style.
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