amptweaker tight rock/metal diode gate

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amptweaker tight rock/metal diode gate

So I made a nice amptweaker tight metal off of Alex's layout in the contributions section. I really like IT. The noise gate i fantastic, It does a great job if set to moderate gating, I wonder if I could use this on other pedals at the end of the circuit. It would be nice to add this to many other high gain pedals out there. How would I separate it , It looks to bee just 2 diodes a 10 K a switch and a 500k pot.also I found out there are only 3 differences mainly between the tight rock and tight metal, They are in the eq section. I plan on building another with a double pole switch to change the eq section and a single pole for the thrash/plexi setting.

Could someone do a sketch up on how i would add this to like a crunch box or something? I am adding the post i found of the difference between the 2 pedals as well. If i am In copyright violation please alert me and I will delete. Thanks Gang! 
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Re: amptweaker tight rock/metal diode gate
