anodized aluminium knobs

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anodized aluminium knobs

I've only seen anodized aluminium (blue, red, green) listed at Mammoth: but I live in Europe (France) and shipping costs + VAT kill it...

are there any other shops you're aware of that might have some? Europe would be great...
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Re: anodized aluminium knobs


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Re: anodized aluminium knobs

I found these on Tayda:

6mm. Set screw. 20mm x 13mm
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Re: anodized aluminium knobs

how did I miss them???? have they been offering them for a long time?

thanks guys!
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Re: anodized aluminium knobs

In reply to this post by Emil
They are great !
A bargain for $1.29
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Re: anodized aluminium knobs

indeed! i've received one of each, just to have a look at them. will definitey use them in the future