boosting spring reverb of an amp

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boosting spring reverb of an amp

odieux fonzie
I'm french, so excuse me for my bad english.
I know this forum is about pedals and not so much about amplifiers, but hey?!
So that's it:
I have a Peavey Blues Classic, similar to a Classic 50 410 combo, but with a 15' speaker instead.
Everything is fine about my amp. The only problem is that, even with reverb pot at maximum, the guitar sound is not wet enough (for me!).
The reverb and the tank is fine, it's just that I'm a reverb junky, I like really wet surfy sound...

Is there any simple way to boost the wet signal? Using a booster pedal with rca adaptators before or after the reverb? Could it damage the amp? Impedance problem?

I don't want to use reverb pedals, and I don't have the money to buy a Fender amp...
So your help WOULD BE AWESOME !!!

Thanks a lot!!

Odieux Fonzie
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Re: boosting spring reverb of an amp

That's an interesting question. The driver does need to match the impedance of the tank. Of course you'd need to be mindful of phase inversion if you add a gain stage. Somebody here may be able to help you. A schematic would be the first step.

I'm sympathetic to your plight, but not really optimistic about you modifying the existing reverb circuit to be honest. If you type "Surfy Bear" into the search here on the forum, check out how Kinski added an apparently great sounding reverb to his amp. Something like that is probably your best bet
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Re: boosting spring reverb of an amp

I think this is the schematic (says "Blues Classic" in the title, at any rate).

Reverb (at the bottom of the first page) looks to be driven, then made up by the two halves of a good ol' 4558 with the amount of return/wet signal being controlled by a 10k pot wired volume control fashion.

My thoughts are that it might work to plug a clean boost into the reverb return without having to go inside the amp at all - assuming there's an rca lead coming from the reverb tank/pan/brick back into the amp to increase the level of the wet signal coming back in.

I think that's what the original poster wants to try - anyone else have any thoughts?
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Re: boosting spring reverb of an amp

odieux fonzie
Thanks a lot for your answers!

Anyone else can confirm thaat a boost pedal after the reverb tank using rca adaptator would work?
I don't want to damage the amp...

Thanks a lot for your help!