capacitor polarity (sunn beta lead preamp build)

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capacitor polarity (sunn beta lead preamp build)

Hey guys,

as I am not really into reading schematics and still try to learn what I am doing while soldering some guitar gear i have the following question:

while buildung the sunn beta lead preamp which I found at tagboardeffects I came to the point to solder the 2,2uF caps. The ones I got are some polarised tantalums. Now  can anybody tell me how to read the stripboard image to find out which way round they need to be installed?

Any help is really appreciated
thanks in advance
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Re: capacitor polarity (sunn beta lead preamp build)

That layout has a lot of unpolarized 2.2 uf capacitors.

You could try reading the schematic and following the DC levels to figure out which way a polarized capacitor will work in each position. This will not always work because sometimes a cap does need to be bipolar.

Or you could buy enough 2.2 uf unpolarized film caps, use them, not worry, and save the tantalums for something else. I recommend this option. Tantalum capacitors are more trouble than they are worth, for stompboxes, in my opinion.
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Re: capacitor polarity (sunn beta lead preamp build)

The line on the cap indicates the negative pole of the cap. Note, all the 2.2uF caps in red are non-polarized.
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Re: capacitor polarity (sunn beta lead preamp build)

This isn't about capacitors, but it is about the Sunn Beta Lead Build.

How do you tie the inputs if you do the two channel version?
The page says to do the two channel version you just build the single channel twice and use the provided daughter board to sum them. That sounds great, but it doesn't show how to modify the inputs for the signal to go through both channels.
Even though the outputs are summed, if one channel doesn't have an input, what is being summed?
I guess my question boils down to, how do I split the guitar to go to both channels? Do I have to do something like the buffered AMZ splitter, or is it more simple than that?

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Re: capacitor polarity (sunn beta lead preamp build)

In reply to this post by georg667
Hey guys

first of all thanks for the replies.
I bought some non polarized caps and changed them..! ;)

I am not sure either how to route the input of the two channel version. would be great if anybody could tell sth about it.
