catalinbread RAH

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catalinbread RAH

hey guys-
 can anyone tell me why the original layout for the RAH was replaced with a version 2? I read through the comments and it seemed that some people were having problems with it, but others said it was good. was it confirmed to be bad?  I built the board a while back, and now that I went back to finish it, the layout has changed. mark, if the original layout is good, is there any way that you can repost it? if it had issues, can the V1 be reworked at all? thanks
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Re: catalinbread RAH

When I've had a quiet moment (which really isn't very often) I've been going through old layouts that have something that annoy me and changing them.  I've done this for a lot of the muff layouts where there were two ground connections on the board and that's the reason I updated the Rah layout.  

The connections remain the same so there's no problem with the older layout, I just wanted to sort out the ground connections internally to the layout.

Here's the original one:

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Re: catalinbread RAH

thanks mark
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Re: catalinbread RAH

One year old post. I´ve got an original catalinbread WIIO that used with my dr103, but I find it too scooped in comparison, so I expect the middle knob helping here. How did it finally go atomicwombat...?