catalinbread sabra cadabra BC184 equivalent

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catalinbread sabra cadabra BC184 equivalent

Hello, wanting to build the sabra cadabra but couldn't find a BC184.
Looked up some equivalent charts, but as a bloody beginner i don't have any clue which value is important for this i ended up getting a BC183L,BC183B and a BC184LC.. Any advice? or another better replacement?
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Re: catalinbread sabra cadabra BC184 equivalent

My suggestion, check the comments section of the Sabra Cadabra article. You can often find interesting mods, suggestions and possible substitutes that you can use in there as people post their experiences building that layout.

And you should mind which version of the BC184 you get. Or the BC183. I got some of both for a Pig Mine build and when I fired it up I got no sound at all. I actually thought I had made a big error somewhere, did the whole troubleshooting thing with an audio probe. On a hunch I put in some 2N5089's and blam! It suddenly worked like a charm. Those suffix letters do matter.
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Re: catalinbread sabra cadabra BC184 equivalent

They have different pinouts, which may be why they didn't work
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Re: catalinbread sabra cadabra BC184 equivalent

In reply to this post by capa
A sub for the BC184 can be 2N5088/89 or BC338. The BC184L can be used but you'll probably need to twist the legs a bit to get it to work. When in doubt, always refer to the datasheets for the pinouts.
Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.