cnc machine plans for my soldering iron brothers!

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cnc machine plans for my soldering iron brothers!

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
the past 5 months, i hardly build any pedals. i hardly upload any layouts here either....(but i always have 2 windows open and refreshed every 15 minutes...
i'm an addict you know...)


the reason is that i stuck with the idea of building my own cnc machine. and by saying this, i don't mean buying a kit and make an IKEA cnc like we see on youtube...
for a whole month i was designing the 3d model of my machine in freeCAD.
had dozens of days and nights reading and searching the web..
almost every free minute i had, was dedicated to this project..
searching for rails, bearings, linear bearings, drivers, stepper motors, laser cutters for the 5mm steel skeleton of the machine, nuts, couplers, power supplies and so many other things this machine needs.....

it's a 60mmx90mm cnc machine.
of course you can build a smaller-cheaper one according to your needs
just imagine what we could do with that...

i know it's not a cnc forum here. but as i see it, this is a machine that can help a lot with pedal building and guitar related stuff. that's why i've build it for anyway...!!!

it cost me about 300 euros, but i've spend a lot in things i shouldn't.

i'll leave it here in case someone wants any plans or tutorials of how you can do this.

as i said i've spend soooooooo much time and effort, you can't imagine, and that's what i'm offering here to this community...building your own with much less.
no pictures but a teaser video of my build. waiting for some better drivers for the stepper motors and i'm good to go.


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Re: cnc machine plans for my soldering iron brothers!

That's great man. I've been thinking the same thing for awhile now and haven't really done anything about it, also been looking into a CO2 laser for somethings for pedal building. In any event it's awesome to hear of the project and that you got it working, and for a relatively cheap price.
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Re: cnc machine plans for my soldering iron brothers!

In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης
it looks amazing savvas. congratulations. you've got a god-like ambition. it seems as if there is no challenge you won't try to overcome. success comes with that.

so what are you going to do with it? is it for drilling stomps or making guitar bodies? what are you intending it to be able to do?
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Re: cnc machine plans for my soldering iron brothers!

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
thanks mate!
i have so many things in my mind that i would like to test.
my goal No1 is milling-lettering enclosures.hope this machine will be capable for this. i would be very happy even if that was the only thing i could take out of it...
second...pcbs. i have to run some tests first though, cause i can't say anything yet about the accuracy of the machine.
third...guitar bodies...yeah that would be great...!! but that's an other story...
maybe milling wooden enclosures???

the good thing is that this cnc will be able to be self-upgraded. i could cut, for example, some parts that now are "diy solutions" i came up , and make it more stable and so on...
also for 50 euros i could turn it into a 3d printer too..
we will see....