colorsound overdriver help?

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colorsound overdriver help?

daniel M
hi i'm making my second Overdriver. The first was a partial success made from a bits-box kit.the new one is on a home made PCB using the effects layouts blog layout. I built it and had a volume issue which was a lead for the treble pot. i modified the circuit to the original specs from a forum post i found which includes replacing the 4.7 caps with 22u and one of the 10u caps. plus adding in a 100n cap between the bass pot lugs 1 and 3. the problem I'm having is the bass and treble pots appear to do nothing whereas on the old strip-board it was quite usable everything else is fine in fact sounds overall better than the old one.
anyone have any idea why the eq might not function? any links or help would be welcome.