component library for DIYLC?

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component library for DIYLC?


Just installed/used DIY Layout Creator for the first time today.  I notice there's only one icon for each component type, nothing more shows up in the dropdown menus, and for example I can only get the standing resistor icon, as opposed to the image of one lying flat.  Is there a stash of other icons available somewhere?  

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Re: component library for DIYLC?

After creating an instance of the component, you can double-click it and edit the size, value, name, etc. If you click the check-box next to any parameter, it remembers that setting as the new default.

A resistor will stand unless its two connections are further apart than the length parameter. Spread the leads apart, and they will lay down. Many of the capacitors have adjustable pin spacing, which is useful.

Adjusting the defaults can be useful, but it's still a hassle if you regularly use more than one size of a given component. I found it useful to make a simple vero template to start every project with. It includes a few resistors and capacitors that reflect what I have in my stash (including smd components), a piece of vero, and some labels.

You can make something similar and save it in the templates folder.

Here's the template, in case anyone wants to use it:
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Re: component library for DIYLC?

Thanks for the help, induction!  I had tried spacing a resistor out to make it lay down, but apparently not enough, I didn't realize how long the default length was.

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Re: component library for DIYLC?

I had to learn this too. What I'd really like to know though is how lvlark gets the caps to look like regular caps and not the metal ones like you see on PC mainboards.
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Re: component library for DIYLC?

I use DIYLC V2 and made up a lot of my own components in the library.  A lot of them are fairly simple, the code is similar to a lot of common scripts and so in the case of the maroon Panasonic capacitors for instance, I just took the library file for the greenie cap, copy and pasted it to a new file, changed the name etc and then found the 6 digit HTML code that was being used for the green fill and changed to to a maroon colour code.  

One of the reasons I prefer V2 is because I like the way you can easily setup your own library of parts you commonly use with the correct dimensions, pitch etc.  Having to install the Java Runtime Environment was a bit of a pain and it is annoying in a few ways, but I'm used to them now and much prefer the way it works than either V1 or V3.
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Re: component library for DIYLC?

Oh I've got my resistors and poly caps working right. It's the electro's that don't "look" right. Compare your SHO layout to mine. My electros look like the metal electro caps you'd see on a motherboard. Your electros look like ... well electros!

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Re: component library for DIYLC?

I'd love to claim credit for them and seem really clever, but that's the electro library component that comes with V2

But I agree, it looks much better which is why I never moved on