conrad buzztone clipping question

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conrad buzztone clipping question

Hi all.i built the Conrad Buzztone and it seems okay(nice "velco-ey fuzz).I used 2n2222(hfe about 200) and mp38(hfe unknown I can't test Ge on my dmm)transistors.The problem I have is the diode clipping is only apparent when my guitar volume is on full and I'm not really getting any different sounds from different diodes,germanium or silicon. So do you think I have a problem with my build? Could it be a Gain issue? Am I expecting too much contrast between diodes? Or are my "Golden Ears" just knackered?
Any thoughts or suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks Bogey.
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Re: conrad buzztone clipping question

I think you must have an error or build issue somewhere, as mine is ferocious! It does clean up if you turn your guitars' volume pot down.

What diodes have you tried using?

As always, post pics if you still have problems.
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Re: conrad buzztone clipping question

Hi Beaker, I wouldn't call mine ferocious although I didn't really get a chance to crank it yet(weekend maybe).
Diodes I tried were D311,SFD112,SFD106 some other Ge and a bunch of different Si.
I'll have another crack at it and post pics if I get no joy.
Thanks very much for offering to take a look.