culturejam's stutter tremolo (shunt schematic for extra chop)

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culturejam's stutter tremolo (shunt schematic for extra chop)

thought this looked interesting. i have cj's full-on all-bells-and-whistles 'shoot the moon' but it's a big build and this looks a cheap and cheerful (and 'shunt' makes it sound dirty) way of just building the part of that that deals with hardcore suttering tremulation (new verb for you). sometimes i've thought i'd like to throw a quick daughter-board chop-trem into a fuzz build for fun, but have found supercrude 555 stutters not good so don't bother. this looks small but, knowing and respecting cj's work, i suspect it isn't so crude that it throws attention to tone out of the window.

have done a few searches to see if cj is still offering the pcb's that originally went with this 2011 project, i can't see any anywhere so this may be one ripe for vero.

schematic is in the pdf build doc. reveiws around the forums from the time are generally positive. anyone interested?

get some shunt into your fuzz life, bibbit!

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Re: culturejam's stutter tremolo (shunt schematic for extra chop)

I'm interested!

If anyone has one of these, I'd be curious to see what the envelope looks like.  I've done square wave tremolos in software and they don't sound that great.
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Re: culturejam's stutter tremolo (shunt schematic for extra chop)

just noticed freppos wonderful xorcist on the gfx home page and it reminded me of this post.

am guessing respone was limited either because no one needs one or the link to the pdf has died.

anyway, here is another link working today.

By FF_Pedals 2011
Layout by Culturejam 2011"

schematic inside. there are two schemos, and updated 2011 version which is the main one (page 2) and an earlier ticky version (appendix at end).

i have tried a couple of 555 stutters but they either didn't work or were badly ticky. this one seems to have resolved ticking.

another stutter i have noticed is the harrymatic (schematic here at gfx):

Very simple distortion (LM386) with stutter (555)

i have read some reports of difficulties with this one (above) due to ticking. though that may be down to individual building issues rather than design.

or maybe the stutter section of freppo's build can be isolated. no disrespect to freppo intended at all by that (the complete pedal is a beauty and i admire his work). but purely in the interests of obtaining a small (well designed, not noisy or unreliable) self-contained stutter circuit that can be patched into other builds of all kinds, dirt and mod.

build doc and schemo here:

vero here: