cusack screamer fuzz

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cusack screamer fuzz

Anyone can the layout of this pedal?
I can not find anywhere
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Re: cusack screamer fuzz

Neil mcNasty
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Re: cusack screamer fuzz

In reply to this post by Roast
this website's sole purpose is not to provide the DIY community with opportunities to build someone else's intellectual property.. part of what makes this effects pedal DIY community so special is that people are willing to share IP/information and help each other educate themselves, and at the same time expand their artistic/musical reach by building these amazing expressive tools. Take a look on the internet for gutshots of this pedal and compare to the few classic circuits that a huge percentage of fuzz/od/dist pedals are born of. Ask specific questions about gain stages and clipping styles and filtering techniques... before you know it you'll understand how the screamer works and you may be able to mod an existing layout to screamer specs! If you're able to find a schematic for this effect there are a handful of vero wizards that frequent this site who may take on the task of converting that schem to a vero layout, but simply requesting a vero layout out of thin air misses the whole point of this site and the effects pedal DIY community at large.

I didn't mean to preach, best wishes with everything =)
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Re: cusack screamer fuzz

Thank you notnews for explaining that. When i first started learning from this site i didn't know all the in's and out's on how this site works but over the last few years i have learn alot from everyone on here.The basic breakdown of how this site works is sharing information to learn and experiment. The end results may not always be what we expected so we find ways to improve on them from the knowledge we learn from each other.Anyone can make a circuit from here and tweek (modify) it or change it into something new and different.That is the magic of DIY,to learn and create.