dba echo dream 2 - got mystery schematic and bits that may be useful?

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dba echo dream 2 - got mystery schematic and bits that may be useful?

here are some random things re the dba echo dream 2 i found and thought might post here in case someone wants to play with them. it's all v rough and ready but maybe better than nothing for someone who is curious and determined?

basically, i found a random folder on an hdd from my old computer which had some dba echo stuff in. unfortunately it doesn't seem to be on the web anymore so can't link it to anywhere (reliable or otherwise), but thought i would provide it here to anyone who is interested in having a crack at this one.

the first schematic i do know was originally posted here but was deleted somewhen due to the issues raised in the thread.

the second one is a revision of the first by i don't know whom from i don't know where. it's in a folder named 'echo cream 2' i downloaded i don't really remember when (maybe last year sometime?).
this is great stuff i know, just be thankful i'm not your star witness in a murder trial.
anyway, it's a revision of unknown quantity or quality. but might relate to the revisions suggested in the diysb thread linked above.

the final one is a scan of a hand-drawn schematic also in the echo cream 2 folder. again i know nothing about where it is from or whether it is any good. this is all caveat emptor as there isn't a hell of a lot out there on this that i can find. but may or may not be more useful than a slap around the face.

there is also a word document in the echo cream 2 folder that just had this in:

Delay Time – A100K
Feedback – C100K
Master – A100K
Fuzz – A1M
Delay Vol – B100K
Speed – C1M
Depth – C100k


which sounds as if whoever made the schematic had more info than just the diysb thread.

and here is a pic of the front of the box for reference (more knobs than the house of lords).

i would have a crack at this myself but it's way over my head. i've only done one small vero layout so far (which i will post here later this week) so can't even contemplate this monster. but it's a nice sounding one, even though the dba build quality is often more 'to die from' than 'to die for'.

anyway, i saw someone else had requested it a while ago but hadn't provided any info, so thought i would chuck it into the mix while i had it (and since that stuff has subsequently disappeared from the webs).

happy playing...

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Re: dba echo dream 2 - got mystery schematic and bits that may be useful?

Tabby... this thread is amazing. Unfortunately I don't own an ED2 nor do I have anything to contribute beyond what you've already posted... but I'm always checking back here to see if there have been any updates. Have you made any progress on this one?
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Re: dba echo dream 2 - got mystery schematic and bits that may be useful?

hey notnews.

nothing new has turned up re better gutshots or a verified schematic. but at some point i intend to have a crack at a vero for the schematic above, but have a few other dba things ahead of it.

re echo-delay am more interested in the dba reverberation machine atm (beginnings of a trace thread at fsb, see boutique section). also want to try the evil filter vero (posted here last weekend).

and have got a kill kill filter and a harmonic transformer i built a while ago and abandoned that don't seem to work as intended. would like to get those going while i'm dba-ing.

so the ed2 is on the back burner for a while yet. but the schematic above seems to be the best shot to date. there's also a thread at fsb for the regular echo dream if you are interested in that. am not certain but i think the ed2 is fundamentally that, plus a little filter, plus dirt.

the dbas are much like devi's things. one kind of morphs into the next.

but if you happen to be able to lay your hands on an ed2 for an evening, gut shots, pcb traces (back and front) and component values always welcome.

i'm in the uk and there isn't a lot of that stuff over here.
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Re: dba echo dream 2 - got mystery schematic and bits that may be useful?


Found this over at FSB:
Someone with more experience than I could extract some info from this... how does this look to you experienced folks?
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Re: dba echo dream 2 - got mystery schematic and bits that may be useful?

notnews wrote

Found this over at FSB:
Someone with more experience than I could extract some info from this... how does this look to you experienced folks?
thanks notnews. that schematic (by beedola) was the third link down i posted above (schematic dated 18 june 2013) though link is dead now. fsb link requires downloading and unpacking but is less likely to disappear so worth the link.

beedola originally traced it and created the schematics above. orignial and revised editions.

after building it according to that schematic, beedola had ticking issues apparently because the xr2206 chip is temperamental below 12v. build report with resolution here.

so long story short, the schematic has produced a working build, so is kind of verified, though may require tweaking voltage to the xr chip to address ticking.