death by audio transistor

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death by audio transistor

What is the transistor number indicated in the Death By Audio Echo Dream layout? Thanks for the help gang.
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Re: death by audio transistor

hey man. it's actually not a transistor its a regulator, a 5V regulator to be exact. the part number is at the bottom of the layout inline with the part. it's a 7805.
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Re: death by audio transistor

Thanks again Rocket Dude! You're johnny-on-the-spot with the helpful answers and I appreciate it. That's what I thought but I needed to be sure cause there isn't any mention of it in the labeling of the layout. Us mental defective noobs need that extra special help. :>)
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Re: death by audio transistor

lol. it takes some time getting used to knowing what things are, so no worries. we've all been there. btw, alex likes to put labels on parts and near them if he can instead of putting them in the bottom build notes. so if you don't see a part listed in the build notes just look either above or below the part off the board and it's probably there.

and always glad to help man.