different methods to create multi-tap delay effects

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different methods to create multi-tap delay effects

Hey everyone,

I'm looking to create a multi-tap type delay, similar to Infanem's Small Echo Array or the Dawner Booner. What are the different ways to do this?

Would I essentially have to put two independent delay circuits with volume controls that mix together at the output?:

input >
PT2399_1 + delay time ctrl_1 + volume ctrl_1 >
PT2399_2 + delay time ctrl_2 + volume ctrl_2 >
global tone ctrl + global volume output ctrl + global mix (dry/wet) ctrl > output

is there another way to accomplish the multiple taps sound with a single PT IC, maybe with more clever circuit architecture? Has anyone designed or seen anything DIY like this?
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Re: different methods to create multi-tap delay effects

There are a few diy multitap delay projects out there: The most common way is to use several PT2399 in series, using a current mirror transistor set up on each pin 6 so a single time pot controls all of the chip's delay times simultaneously. The output to the mix pot is taken from the second chip, but a switch is included which taps the output of the first chip and adds this to the mix giving two delays, one which is half the length of the other. Check out Madbean's zero point dual delay schematic to see how it works. I recall that Rob Deadastronaut over at DIYSB posted a schematic and a video for his 4xPT2399 multitap which also had a separate mix control for each division (I.e. 1/4 time, 1/2,  3/4 and full time repeat).
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Re: different methods to create multi-tap delay effects

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Re: different methods to create multi-tap delay effects

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
couldn't resist...

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Re: different methods to create multi-tap delay effects

holy crap!!!
you are the man!! I took a look at the schematic and said to myself "this ain't gonna happen, and it's way too large to post as a request in the forum". So happy you did this, gonna build this up ASAP.
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Re: different methods to create multi-tap delay effects

He´s the man indeed!!!