doomidrive, deliclious! but how get rid of noise floor?

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doomidrive, deliclious! but how get rid of noise floor?

God, the Doomidrive make my tone delicious. BUT, it´s noisey as hell at loud settings, i mean, a floor noise, when drive is maxed, and it increases with volume... can the pots or the trimmer be adding noise floor? amazing effect, with the trimmer maxed you get more delicious gain, but increases the noise floor. Some suggestion?
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Re: doomidrive, deliclious! but how get rid of noise floor?

What transistors are you using? When I built mine I used the same as the original, and I don't have the that problem at all. I love the tone too, but I think I'm going to go back and tweak the input and output caps to get more low end.
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Re: doomidrive, deliclious! but how get rid of noise floor?

i am using the original vintage sc too! the 39pf capacitor are very old ceramic.
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Re: doomidrive, deliclious! but how get rid of noise floor?

It might be that. When I get home from work I'll plug mine in and see exactly how much noise it makes. I think I used a multilayer ceramic rather then normal ceramic, but I'm not sure. It might just be the ceramic cap you used.
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Re: doomidrive, deliclious! but how get rid of noise floor?

experiment with a crunch amp too. noise seems bigger. i changed the 39p for a 30p multilayer and it seems better. But ordered some mica capacitors 39p value too. Weeks to arrive here.

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Re: doomidrive, deliclious! but how get rid of noise floor?

i just realized i forgot to tell you what happened with my doomidrive. mine is dead silent in both channels. did you get the problem fixed in yours?