dual gang pots

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dual gang pots

I've made a Klon on here and the dual gang pot is tricky to me.  I've just wrapped wires around the posts and soldered them and I've put pieces of tagboard on the ends and soldered them that way, but cutting them and adding the link adds quite a bit of bulk in the box.  What's your favorite way to solder the dual gangs?
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Re: dual gang pots

If I have to use dual gangs, I try to buy eyelet type, rather than pin type pots (like those used in a guitar). Much easier to deal with.

If I have to use pin type pots;

I bend the pins round back on themselves to form a 30 to 45 degree angle,

 then form a hook on my tinned wire ends.

Now you have a hook on the pot pin, and a hook on the wire.

Loop the wire hook over the bent back pin, and solder in place. Usually works for me!
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Re: dual gang pots

Where do you get that kind?  I've only ever found the pin type
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Re: dual gang pots

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Re: dual gang pots

In reply to this post by kirshman
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Re: dual gang pots

Thanks guys!