enclosure + rubber stamp ink + ??? = finished product

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enclosure + rubber stamp ink + ??? = finished product

hi guys, i've really had it with looking this up. i want to get a simple rubber stamp, stamp something on an enclosure, then put some kind of clear coating over it. i've read about a hundred pages, some suggest clear nail polish, some suggest lacquer, shellac, polyurethane, you name it. i'm looking for something i can just brush over the stamp so it won't come off. anyone have any ideas?
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Re: enclosure + rubber stamp ink + ??? = finished product

If you are using rubber stamps, I recommend Staz-On ink. It's very tough.
For clear cloaing I have been using a few rounds of regular acrylic laquer.
I'm sure there are better laquer, but it seems durable enough for me. :)

Here's an example:

Hope that helps
check out my building blog at www.parasitstudio.se
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Re: enclosure + rubber stamp ink + ??? = finished product

Holy controls Freppo!  No wonder you need a stamp to label that thing!  :)  Seeing the result of that stamp technique just convinced me I need to get some stamps.  

On a related note, where do you get those enclosures?  I've seen them before but never on a storefront.  I'd like to use those for tube preamps.

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Re: enclosure + rubber stamp ink + ??? = finished product

I also use Staz-On ink. Good stuff.
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Re: enclosure + rubber stamp ink + ??? = finished product

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In reply to this post by negativefx
A good advice is to clean the rubber stamps with acetone after each use. Just soak a paper towel and press each stamp against it a few times until the ink is gone. It prelonges the life of the stamps alot.

I got that enclosure from Conrad. I think mouser sells them aswell.
It's a Hammond 515-0910. It's pretty expensive and comes in a ugly grey colour.
But it's fun to use something else than 1590A/B/BB sometimes. :)

It was a perfect enclosure for my ringmod/sequencer. This is how it sounds
check out my building blog at www.parasitstudio.se