fender deluxe reverb concept pedal advice needed

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fender deluxe reverb concept pedal advice needed

Hi folks,

I was thinking of doing a bit of deluxe reverb inspired pedal.

The rough idea being combining a brigg's face, vibrato and reverb.

Looking for suggestions for a fender-ish vibrato/tremolo and reverb.

Also interested to hear suggestions on how you would combine them - eg) 3 x 3pdt switches - maybe one stomp and 2 toggles, or 3 stomp switches.

Or could I parallel all the inputs/outputs/9V/grounds from each board so all effects would all be on or off and their level would be adjusted with a pot.

No right or wrong ideas, it's probably a bit gimicky but its more an exercise in combining effects and forming a concept.

thanks in advance for your ideas guys