fixing a broken pedal... CoolCat Vibe

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fixing a broken pedal... CoolCat Vibe

Hey everyone. Looking for some advice on a problem I'm having with a danelectro coolcat vibe pedal.  The output level of the effected signal is barely audible.  As I turn the Mix knob to the clean signal the output rises to a normal level.  I really like this pedal but refuse to buy another one as this is the second danelectro pedal that's crapped out on me. Is it worth the trouble to try and fix this thing?
Perhaps there is a more appropriate forum to post on?
I've built many pedals from this site so I wanted to start here;) Thanks!!
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Re: fixing a broken pedal... CoolCat Vibe

It's always worth giving it a go, you've got nothing to lose.  Open it up and look for any signs of damage like blown components.  If all looks good it may be something as simple as the mix pot going faulty.  Get a like-sized Alpha pot (or whatever type you usually use), remove the mix pot and solder wires to the Alpha so you can test it to see if that fixes the issue.  

If it does you need to get hold of the correct pot, or maybe rehouse the whole thing and use all Alphas maybe.  It's all good experience, and at the end of the day, if you don't fix it you're no worse off.
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Re: fixing a broken pedal... CoolCat Vibe

Thanks Mark. It's really the surface mount components that have put me off any troubleshooting. A pot I could deal with I think. There were no signs of damage inside but I'm going to give your suggestion a shot.
Thanks for the reply and the amazing site!