guitar pcb muufn

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guitar pcb muufn

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I rarely use PCBs but I see these boards are on sale for only 5 dollars and I have been in the process of building all the muff variants.

I see right away they use led's for diode 3&4 instead or regular diodes.  Are their any differences in the actual circuit or are they just using slightly different parts?  or have they slightly modified the circuit?

I though some of you Big Muff experts might know off the top of your head.

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Re: guitar pcb muufn

okay I sat down with the circuit diagram and one for the big muff

As far as I can tell the only difference is a 1M anti popping resistor.  Other than that they just have some additional options for the circuit.

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Re: guitar pcb muufn

I picked up 4-5 boards from them this evening on their "Tax Sale".

Nice prices.
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Re: guitar pcb muufn


Barry has some interesting boards but the shipping cost to Europe is just murder... I cringe every time I order wire from him.