guitarbuild co uk experience

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guitarbuild co uk experience

Hey folks,

I have an Allparts telecaster maple neck sitting here, so I'm looking for a body to put it on.

I was thinking about getting a Telecaster body from, they seem to have pretty reasonable prices, and thought I'd ask if you guys have any experience with them?

I'm want to get a Tele with birdseye maple top to stain it and putting oil finish on it.
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Re: guitarbuild co uk experience


I haven't used them, but I had a good experience with Musikraft in the US,  Warmoth is the other option.

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Re: guitarbuild co uk experience

The site looks cool, and a cheaper alternative for us Europeans then Warmoth. And as a big plus I've noticed that on Strat bodies, unlike Warmoth, you at least have the options to get rid of the tummy and arm cuts. I wish Warmoth offered that option when I purchased a Strat body from them.

Still, a lot more fun to build your own guitar body.
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Re: guitarbuild co uk experience

Yeah, actually the price really caught my eye, since there are a couple of interesting bodies there, and some have figured maple tops actually.

I thought that I can stain the body and put an oil finish on it - I saw some youtube videos on the Crimson guitars channel on how they do it, and they even sell that same stuff on eBay (for not a lot of money)

In case anyone is interested:

oil finish:

This will be the ultimate "what the hell am I doing" DIY project for me :D
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Re: guitarbuild co uk experience

Looks like a pretty cool site!

Check out Birchwood Casey Tru Oil if you can find it cheaper than the crimson guitars stuff. Tru Oil is really good, if you thin your final coats with mineral spirits you can get a pretty nice high gloss almost like nitro

Love the crimson guitars videos though
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Re: guitarbuild co uk experience

I had a little conversation with a master luthier guy in Budapest the other day and started asking about his experience with partscasters and he said that you cannot really go wrong with Allparts stuff. Also, he gave this tip: there's a German company called Göldo, which I haven't really heard about, but he showed me some teles that were built using those bodies - those were great quality. He said that he usually orders bodies from them if has to build a Strat or a Tele.

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Re: guitarbuild co uk experience

Silver Blues
In reply to this post by Travis
Tru Oil is fantastic. I've never done a guitar body with it (although I totally want to!) but have done other high-traffic wooden parts and it's a super nice, easy to apply and extremely durable finish. Would recommend.
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