I just won a pair of pedals from Mammoth :D A GuitarPCB Zenith Drive and Stage 3 Boost with cap switch. I would say I could show some gut shots, but they're both guitarPCB projects with all the materials for DL...
This was the "tell us your favorite piece of gear" contest, to which I entered my guitar.
heh, these aren't kits; these are literally the demos they built for the video. I don't know if everything's in sockets, or if there's a degree of modification I can perform on it, but they're going to be ready to play out of the shipping box. Regardless, I'm pretty stoked to have a major part of my rather tiny pedal train plan finished for me. After the easy Black Cat project, I had a utility project (speaker sim), then I was going to start figuring out what dirt pedal was going to be my go-to. Looks like the Zendrive wins!