help with hum/noise?

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help with hum/noise?

hello just did my first build. I want to thank IVI ark for the layout. thanks your the man. I used a texas instruments 2n 1302 95hef. i am very happy with the tone and operation of the pedal. i have few  issues.the pedal is noisey . it has some excessive hum/buzz. I was wondering if using sheilded wire would help. if so what kind do you fine people reccomend and from where to where is the best place to start? also i would like to possibly get just a tad more gain out of could a resistor change help. i set the bias in several places from 6.2 and maxed out with my 5k trimmer at like 7.18. my final question is about the load i peadence. original rangemaster load the pickups and when you back the colume on the guitar down they clean up nocely. this doesnt clean up all that much. is that because of the 1m resistor and if so can i just remove it! thanks and i am very excited i could probably play live with it as is but im planning on recording and its just a bit too noisy. thanks to all and this is really fun, iVIark your the man!!!!
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Re: help with hum/noise?

Hello it was very late last noght lots of typos my apologies to grammer nazis ha ha. my ipad died before i could register. the build is a Dam Red Rooster. its noisy .the tone is superb but not usable for studio by any means
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Re: help with hum/noise?

I've not built this, so do not know how much noise is acceptable for this circuit. DAM pedals are usually high gain and so prone to noise. Here are a few general things to check.

#1. Have you boxed it yet? Many circuits are VERY noisy when tested out of the enclosure, but MUCH quieter when boxed up.

#2. Check that everything is grounded correctly. If not your pedal WILL be noisy.

#3. Check that you do not have signal wires running alongside power wires as this can cause noise. Try to keep the well separated.

#4. If al these points have been addressed, then yes, use shielded wire for the input and output. This can make a big difference on some pedals. I use Van Damme two core plus shield cable for this. It's small diameter makes it ideal for pedals.
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Re: help with hum/noise?

In reply to this post by strassercaster
I've built a few Red Roosters and can't seem to remember excessive noise BUT treble booster are notoriously noisy. I do remember it being very fussy on the hfe of the transistor. I think I used one at around 130hfe to get it sounding 'right'. Maybe try a higher gain tranny, that way you might not have to dime the gain thus producing less noise.
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Re: help with hum/noise?

In reply to this post by Beaker
thank you. actually i did still have the back off. putting it back on helped some. i see that dam twists some of the other wires could this help possibly?..i can get some shielded wire locally. i just need one strand with the mesh i assume?i i have the wires a little longer than needed at the moment as well. after shielding the input and output i will shorten them. thank you very much for your time and wisdom
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Re: help with hum/noise?

In reply to this post by Vince
thank you i am ordering some higher gain values asap. i cant wiat. i really appreciate your time and wisdom
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Re: help with hum/noise?

Are you using a battery or an adapter?
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Re: help with hum/noise?

In reply to this post by strassercaster
You could use single core, but I use twin core. Take a look at the picture below:

Orange two core(white / blue) plus ground.

White and blue wire run from switch input and output to input and output jack.

Ground runs from switch ground lug to ground lug on both input and output jacks.

Hope this helps.

Also Induction's point is valid - are you using a battery or power supply?
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Re: help with hum/noise?

Thanks I am using a battery I do plan on a power jack with a 220 uf and a 4001 diode across the terminals that worked really well for my wah wah. Thanks I cant believe how small you made that ha ha. Awesome. Does using the tantalums change the tone ??
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Re: help with hum/noise?

Ok, that helps. Hum with a battery suggests a problem somewhere.

Hum with a power supply could mean that the power supply is at fault - a non regulated power supply will certainly cause hum, and there are a few pedal designs - the Vox Repeat Percussion for one, that will hum using any power supply, unless remedial steps are taken.

By the way, twisting ground wires around signal wires like DAM do is just the same as using shielded wire. The ground wire will shield the signal wire.

The cap in my build is not tantalum, it's a MMC (monolithic multi-layer capacitor) - really small size, so great for tight spaces, and they don't alter the tone. Lots of us guys on here really like them. Also it's only small because it is a tiny build, a Germanium Giant. Look on the main page, or on the forum for the Nick Greer Green Giant.
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Re: help with hum/noise?

In reply to this post by Beaker
This is good advice. Only thing I'll add is that you shouldn't connect the shield to ground at both ends. This is opening up possibilities for ground loops. Well, I was just reading all about that anyway :P

Maybe try star grounding to the output sleeve
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Re: help with hum/noise?

ok the only problem i have now is when i turn the boost knob i get some static. i replaced it i still get staic. i read on geofex that this is normal quirk of the rangemaster style circuit. did you guys have thismissue or is there a fix?