hooking up capacitor backwards!

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hooking up capacitor backwards!

Hey guys,
   Working on a zendrive and I noticed that I had hooked up my 16v 100uf capacitor backwards...anyone know if hooking it up backwards and powering it up will immediately fry the cap?  It seems most of these components are pretty tough in the sense that if you hook it up wrong, nothing breaks, it just won't work.  Just wanted to see what the consensus was.  The cap looks ok and I don't have a multimeter that can check caps...
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Re: hooking up capacitor backwards!

Reversing power to an electrolytic will quickly destroy the dielectric, and usually cause it to leak or rupture, resulting in a closed circuit. You can check it for continuity with a DMM, but I'd recommend you toss it and install a new one to save a repair down the road. At the very least, you've probably shortened its life span dramatically.
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Re: hooking up capacitor backwards!

   Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.  The cap looks ok, but I assume you mean internal leak/rupture.  Ok, I'll install another cap.  It's cheap, I just have to order it and wait for it to arrive.  :)
