i got the fever who is with me? What build you did that blew you away?

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Re: i got the fever who is with me? What build you did that blew you away?

Diamond Comp w/ bass mods
Sweet Honey OD
Musket (for bass)
Iron Bell (for guitar)
Meathead w/ switch caps (I've had to build at least 8 of these for people that heard it in my band's gigs)
Ghost Echo
Supreau Deux
Citrus Graphic (bass mods)

It's funny but a lot of "OMG gotta make this" pedals are finally making it to the top of my list:  the good BBBOD (thanks yall for doing the BJFE!), Crunchbox, Thunderbird, Diezel, Talons.  I think the list above may have some edits soon.  I'm really hoping that BBBOD can replace the myco three on my board but I'm just not sure yet.  That myco does things that I've never heard another OD do.  

Also, I generally estimate:  1590A pedal: 4-6hr, 1590B: 5-8hr, 1590BB: 10hr.  That includes drilling, testing, painting, etc.  I build slow and carefully, so these times might be high for some... I test every cap and try to use a +/-3% or better when available, so that takes a lot of time.  Also the process to prep the boxes is quite long for me.  The method I use for clear coating takes a few days but the end result is a bulletproof finish on the pedals.
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Re: i got the fever who is with me? What build you did that blew you away?

In reply to this post by strassercaster
Hey rocket.  I was just wondering what the "correct" Russian transistors and diodes were?  I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I built the green Russian and was a little underwhelmed.  
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Re: i got the fever who is with me? What build you did that blew you away?

kirshman wrote
Hey rocket.  I was just wondering what the "correct" Russian transistors and diodes were?  I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I built the green Russian and was a little underwhelmed.
so when i built mine i used marks layout labeled EHX Green Russian Big Muff V7 1994. then i changed the values to match the ones shown in kitrae's schematic:

the transistors is used are KT3102E metal can, matched and all have hfe in the 750-799 range, and the diodes i used were KD521V.

now a few things to note:

 i also swapped in the non-metal cam KT3102E in the same hfe range and it sounded pretty much the same. also, one way to mess with the big muff's sound is to play with the hfe of the transistors. the higher the hfe the more treble comes through. even though i use mine with my bass, i personally liked the higher hfe transistors, because i found that it let in just enough more treble that i can cut through the mix a little more. it may not be super noticeable, but i noticed a difference. everything else is normal components, ie: metal film resistors, panasonic caps, etc.
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Re: i got the fever who is with me? What build you did that blew you away?

Thanks, I'll look into those changes!

For me I think it'd be the Zen,  its just so versatile, the red llama, the whole sweep is a sweet spot, and the germanium giant, I haven't found anything that does the just at the start of breakup sound better.  I guess I have a thing for small boards that sound good.  I do like the klon, Maxon od820 as well.  
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Re: i got the fever who is with me? What build you did that blew you away?

In reply to this post by Neil mcNasty
thanks Neil . my first amp was a silvertone 1483 i loved it then i got an mxr distortion plus and blew the speaker . dad threw it in the trash and i have been wanting to get one again.. Jack white did blow the roof off these for resale. great reply and all of you have set me on a farther path. i had to take a break for the last 6 days back pain and overtime at the day job ha ha. tomorrow i only work 11 hours so im boxing the systech harmonic energizer and a second marshall shredmaster with the hyde mods😀i just ordered another 100 bucks worth of supplies from tayda ha ha. i should be able to build several of these great suggestions by all of you thanks
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Re: i got the fever who is with me? What build you did that blew you away?

In reply to this post by kirshman
yes as with all things less can be way better. germanium giant just made the list. ill look into the zen. i have a klon with mods a boss sd1 factory a tube screamer factory a marshall shred/ Hyde plus a vox tonebender abd a red rooster. i just ordered parts to make a few. amp in the box circuits the plexidrive ,jcm00 emulator blues breaker and more. i have decided to make a chorus . now i have to choose between the ce-2 and the small clone hmm. i hVe a visual sound h20 and a cool cat chorus. i actually like the cool cat more. i traded the ce2 in a deal for a pinball years ago ha ha
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Re: i got the fever who is with me? What build you did that blew you away?

In reply to this post by negativefx
thanks i lie the bass suggestions. i am friends with several bass players. one of my first builds was a heath kit as a suprise for a friend that couldnt afford 300 for an original. he made me promose i wouldnt make any other for the other guys ha ha. he wanted it to truly be a secret weapon i am cool with that. i do want to hook up other bassists as well though and will be taking everything into considerstion. thanks agin😀
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Re: i got the fever who is with me? What build you did that blew you away?

In reply to this post by strassercaster
The first time I tried the JCM800 I did not have good luck. Circuits that work even though they are wrong can be really frustrating. I had the tone but not much volume and I knew the thing should have plenty of gain if built right.

So, I just started over and my second time it worked like a charm. I am definitely getting better at this, and all it really takes is repetition.

At first you are prone to making small mistakes that you just can't see - but after awhile you make fewer mistakes (you learn how to count rows and remember the number) - and your troubleshooting gets better because you know where to look.

These days most circuits work right away, and if they don't I usually have them fixed within an hour tops.
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Re: i got the fever who is with me? What build you did that blew you away?

In reply to this post by strassercaster
I usually play through a pretty clean Fender Mustang IV.
Here are a few of my favorites:

Blackout Effectors Fix'd Fuzz Deluxe- it can be noisy without input but tames down fairly well. The amount of control and the amazing character available out weighs any negatives.

Univox SuperFuzz- ummm , just... Holy Shit! It's like a heavy fuzz bully punching you in the throat and taking your lunch money.

Dwarfcraft Great Destroyer and Robot Devil- Both are really cool if you dig the nasty glitchy stuff like me.

MP Deep Blue Delay- simple natural and usable

I've also loved Most but not all of the Escobedo stuff and tend to love everything Freppo does.

Again my tastes are heavy noise synthy glitchy tones

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Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.