idea for making use of an empty 1u rack

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idea for making use of an empty 1u rack

Hey all, I managed to grab an empty 1u rackmount enclosure from a moving sale (strange, right?) and I've been trying to think of something to use it for. Had an idea, and I was wondering if this is even possible:

So thanks to the great layouts here and elsewhere I've built a lot of little fuzz pedals, but they rarely make the pedalboard just because of space considerations.. would it be possible to cram a bunch of these into the rack enclosure, and just have a rotary switch controlling which circuit my input goes to? Would it be doable to wire just 3 controls that switch with the rotary position? (for two or one knob fuzzes, the extra controls would just do nothing) Would I also have to build a little power supply to power all of 'em?

Thanks in advance for any ideas/guidance, or if you have any other ideas what to do with the rack let me know :] Layouts here have helped a broke grad student have a lot of fun...  
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Re: idea for making use of an empty 1u rack

You could use a rotary switch to set up send returns for each circuit and you could use a single volume control by using each fuzz's "volume 3" wires as the return (omitting their individual volume controls) and just using one volume pot post rotary switch going to the output socket. Hope I've explained it clearly enough to make sense...!?

That, or look up what sizes Accutronics makes its spring tanks and build a rack mounted spring reverb? :)
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Re: idea for making use of an empty 1u rack

looking over my notes i'm realizing that not many of these have similar pot values, which might make this not a great idea..