issue with Bipolar Voltage Converter layout

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issue with Bipolar Voltage Converter layout

Hi guys,

i made this build with 1n4001 to have a bipolar +15/-15 power supply but have an issue with it.
The converter deliver the correct voltage but ciclically "cut" it
in my build (sunn preamp), the symptoms are a "pick" in the audio signal followed by a weird preamp "reboot" each ~minute (ice pick cut off and progressive volume level return)
with my cheap and slow reactive multimeter, i can read a ~0.1/0.2v drop at each cycle (but i think the cut off is quick and real but non readable on my device)

is someone already have same issue with power supply?

i tested it with different 9v sources, wall and batteries with same result.
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Re: issue with Bipolar Voltage Converter layout

Guile, I have been watching your thread on FSB about the Sunn Beta. Unfortunately I can't offer any help with your problem, as I really don't know what's wrong. but I really hope you can find a solution. My son is desperate to get his hands on this!
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Re: issue with Bipolar Voltage Converter layout

thanks for supporting Beaker ;)

there still be a solution to my issue; find some caps and redo all the converter

apart from that don't hesitate to build it, the layout of the morain' sunn beta preamp on fsb are surely good