klon Ktr question

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klon Ktr question

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So is the Ktr built off the klon silver?  I have built the klon v2 and the silver off of this site and the silver is a ringer of the KTR.  The regular klon doesn't have the highs of it.  I prefer the regulars sound, but was just wondering if anyone knew which he Modeled the ktr off of.
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Re: klon Ktr question

It is my understanding that the KTR is like the silver since most people who follow the Klon story agree that is the best sounding one. Many people who build the original circuit then go on make sure it has the Silver mods.

There was a DIY project called the "Silver Pony Pedal" which was based on it. They supposedly stopped selling it when the KTR came out.

Video shootout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeuTQAn8_oQ

On this site: http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.com/search?q=Silver+Pony
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Re: klon Ktr question

I made my Klon using the PCB at Aion Electronics (their Refractor board).  Excellent PCB.  I built mine to Silver specs (which were relatively minor mods) and using the Russian D9E diodes.  I now use it as part of my live rig, but not as an overdrive but as a wonderful preamp/boost.  The combination of the buffer and clean gain give anything after it a lift, adding crispness and detail to my tone.  HIGHLY recommended.