layout question for modulted pt2399 delays

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layout question for modulted pt2399 delays

Sensei Tim
i'm in the middle of doing a PCB layout for a modulated pt2399 based delay.

The question is the location of the LFO circuit wrt the PT2399.

if the LFO create any kind of audible ticking in the pt2399 if it's too close?  I'm using a ground pour on the pcb to help isolate the traces, but i'm not sure about the chips themselves.
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Re: layout question for modulted pt2399 delays

The standard advice is usually to use a low power consumption chip (e.g. TL062 is often recommended), to have a large electro directly on the pin 8 (or whatever is +9v supply pin) of the LFO chip in addition to the usual electro on the power supply, and have the LFO "sewer ground" (i.e. the parts of the LFO circuit that dump charge to ground, like a periodically charged timing cap) have their own path back to the power negative and not share a trace with the audio circuit.

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Re: layout question for modulted pt2399 delays

Sensei Tim
"large" electro meaning... 100u? 470u?
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Re: layout question for modulted pt2399 delays

Similar value to whatever you would use on the usual +9v supply, like 100u or 47u.