lm308 variencies

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lm308 variencies

Recently i built the blower box from the layout here using the kit linked in the layout. but i messed it up as pointed out in another topic. So i ordered another LM308 off ebay incase i damaged the one i had(which i didnt until i broke off a leg or two accidentally).

Only recently did i got around to boxing it and using it at rehersals. It sounded very harsh, and i wasnt very pleased. i thought the transistor wasnt biased correctly so i checked it and tinkered with it. I still couldnt get a sound i liked. so i decided to swap the ICs and hey presto, brilliant sounds.

the two ICs seem to have the same manafacturer mark but a slightly different casing. the one i got off ebay (bad sounding) looks cheaper made.

could it be a knock off or just a bad one??