mayflower volume pot does nothing help!

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mayflower volume pot does nothing help!

hi i have a problem with my mayflower  build it's the smaller one from this website. the volume pot does nothing i'm getting signal just above unity. then more volume as the gain goes up i've swapped out the pot and checked and double checked the layout not sure whats going on please help heres photos of the build. finished board both sides pre outboard then volume pot. any ideas?


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Re: mayflower volume pot does nothing help!

Ciaran Haslett
Hi Dan

Looks like a missing cut on Volume 3 row and an extra cut on Volume 2 row.  I'd probably give all the other cuts a clean too.  Lots of potential shorts with stray copper.
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Re: mayflower volume pot does nothing help!

thanks so much sorted it can't wait to crank it tomorrow first build i've done too i've done passive wiring in guitars for years can't believe what they're charging for this pedal when the parts are so cheap to build it. and thats not even when buying in bulk.  thankyou for your help building the ns10 noise filter next waiting on parts. so excited!!!!!
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Re: mayflower volume pot does nothing help!

Well in all fairness, the actual research + development (in non-timmy clone pedals), renting a room, tools, people to churn out enough pedals, marketing, adds, giving them away to reviewers or artists, paying of a laser to aluminum printer, a stupid movietrailer, taxes, boxes, room for error etc adds up to a lot of costs

But yeah, the money I saved.. Or well, to be honest, all the money I'm saving by bilding it myself I use to make 4 times as many pedals as I would've bought ;)
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Re: mayflower volume pot does nothing help!

Exactly what i thought loads of fun too just a quick question if i wanted more of a bass cut would i reduce the value of the pot or icrease it or is it a case of messing with the ciruit its self?