modding DBA's Overdriver Intersteller

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modding DBA's Overdriver Intersteller

Tune Tone
so in between learning about the Muff I also want to modifz the DBA Intersteller Overdriver I built which has quiet a low sustain. also would very muchwould like to do so such as in the demo of it on Pro Guitar Shop - that the Gai wouldnt effect the volume of the signal so much... I can not seem to have a signal if the Gain knob is before 12 o'clock..
I ried so far to lower the 180K value resistors to Emitter on all tranis to 130K.. not much difference I believe its relayed on one of the others resis...

Ideas ?

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Re: modding DBA's Overdriver Intersteller

I don't have the schematic in front of me cause I'm at work, but if you need more output I believe you can increase the resistor before the output. This will prevent at much of the signal being dumped to ground before the volume pot.
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Re: modding DBA's Overdriver Intersteller

Tune Tone
here it is..

do you mean the 3.3K resistor ??

thanks. and I would be very happy to achieve these:
1. more gain output of the transistors
2. To make the gain knob more of a coloring thing of overdrive, raher then effect in such a great way the level of the signal.

at the moment if the Gain knob is slightly down, ther is barely a signal coming out unless the level knob is almost all the way up

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Re: modding DBA's Overdriver Intersteller

I believe that you can increase that 3.3k to prevent signal fr being dumped to ground, but I'm not sure. I would socket it and see what happens when you increase it.