I built this pedal and get no sound, voltages on trannies are q1-c.72,b.72,e.10 q2 c.80, b.79, e.18 q3 c.74, b.73, e.14 q4 c6.88, b7.62, e6.87, Ill try some pics but res. is not very good
Ill try to get some better pictures, im not real happy with the soldering on this board even though Ive never had a problem with 4 builds before this, did a lot of it late at night so may have to do it over, ill try to get my wifes iphone to get some better shots.
Check that nothing is shorting or grounding your supply voltage. It looks like all of the transistors are being effected so I'd be inclined to think it's something along the +9v track
Ok I give up for the time being, cut between traces again, checked for shorts, cant seem to find any, tried new trannies, I guess I need to find a good step by step tutorial on an audio probe, tried mine but cant seem to figure it out. dont know if I have some bad parts or what, its goin on the scrap bin for now
Also, there's a 10k resistor missing between the 470k and 100nf between Q1 och Q2.
That probably wouldn't explain your voltages though.
However, I noticed that perhaps those 470k:s are 470R:s? It's a little bit difficult to make out the colors from the picture, but I read them as yellow, violet, black, black, brown? Is this correct? That would make them 470R I think.
Edit: Try to double-check a few of the other resistor values as well. I'm unsure about that 2k on Q4 emitter for example. Might be others.
Ok, I think we are starting to get somewhere, you guys were spot on, put in 470r's instead of 470k's! Input was also in the wrong hole! Good eyes! The 10k is there its just buried under the the 100p cap, will check other resisters and get the right ones soldered in, ill report back when its done and tested! Thanks alot! My eyes were starting to cross!!!
Oh ya! The iron bell is ringing!!! Pedal works and sounds good! Love the sustain!!! Never played a big muff variant before!!! Thanks for all your help fellas!!! Changed out the 4 470's and moved the input wire, did the trick!!! No more late night pedal building!! Thanks again!!!!