mr l3ct3r pre amp

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mr l3ct3r pre amp

 can any one please make a vero layout for it.. Pcb is a bit though...
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Re: mr l3ct3r pre amp

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
hi! i drew up one layout but it came out 25x26 with lots of empty spots on the board...and that's why i don't like it very much and tomorrow i'll try to find a better way to place components on the board!hope you're not in hurry!
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Re: mr l3ct3r pre amp

not in a hurry take your own time... no problems if its big.. not looking for a pedal format... preamp for a amp project is what am looking for...
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Re: mr l3ct3r pre amp

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
here you go man!
i managed to bring it down to 26x18.this was one of the most difficult i've ever drew.
read the notes!!!!

also i'll drop a question in open chat to find out what we should read to bias the j-fets cause i'm not sure.
i believe it will work just took me 4 hours...and i want to build it too!!!

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Re: mr l3ct3r pre amp

Thanks man.. I'll moat probably start building this weekend itself... will post the details.... do tell me details of your build too...
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Re: mr l3ct3r pre amp

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
just hold on for a couple of days cause Frank said( in open chat) that the schematic you've posted might have mistakes.i'll do a little research tomorrow, and i'll let you know if we should change something.
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Re: mr l3ct3r pre amp

K man.. I took it from that same page.. I also looked at  this page too.. do take a look..
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Re: mr l3ct3r pre amp

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
hi man.
i've read a lot on that, and jokerx says that it's verified. he uses a pot in place of the switch though. and he uses 250k for gain.these are the differences with my layout.
with the vht pitbull now, there are some differences  that i could do easily in my board i believe.
i don't know...maybe we should build it and see...i'll start in the next days.i work a lot lately so no much time for building..hope by sunday i'll have a report!
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Re: mr l3ct3r pre amp

Hmmm.   After looking at the DIYStompboxes post, it looks like the 27K source resistor for R16 is OK.  But my calculations indicate that you need a 250K or 500K trimmer to bias a J201.  Well, you can prototype it and decide what to use there...
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Re: mr l3ct3r pre amp

One more thing i'll be using bf245C in place of
j201. i can't find the normal substitutes either.