need help with a rare 50w zener

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need help with a rare 50w zener

Hi guys,

i'm searching for 1n4558 (4.3v 50w zener) for my beta lead preamp but cannot find one of them anywhere
the only equivalent i found is the 1n5336 (4.3v 5w)

noob question,
is the wattage difference a big issue for this building?
powering with +15v/-15v
(image from this thread
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Re: need help with a rare 50w zener

my bad
i need 1N458A instead of 1N4558

is there a big difference between glass or hard diode enclosures?
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Re: need help with a rare 50w zener

This post was updated on .
I don't think there's a big difference between the glass or plastic casings, but maybe someone who knows more than me can chime in. sells 1N458A for $.17 each, and theirs are in the plastic.
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Re: need help with a rare 50w zener

Thanks for the link kirshman