new bastard fuzz design - the radio france fuzz by davide gironi.

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new bastard fuzz design - the radio france fuzz by davide gironi.

this was was posted on fsb earlier in the week but thought it might be of interest to members here, in particular beaker and anders whom i know have the same passion for 'bastard fuzzes' as i do.

the radio france fuzz...


sounds especially good-bad around 2m55s. really raw and ragged.

for more details davide has posted a description and schematic on his site.
<a href="http://">


ps. clearly i don't really get this nabble thing, but suspect at least one of the links above will get you there.
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Re: new bastard fuzz design - the radio france fuzz by davide gironi.

Thanks Tabbycat. I'm sure that if your Avatar liked fuzz, she would LOVE this one. Surely goes in the "Red Army Faction" of fuzzes.

I'm going to post the schematic on the Request page, and see if Anders can help out!
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Re: new bastard fuzz design - the radio france fuzz by davide gironi.

In reply to this post by tabbycat
Wow, that demo sounds great. Just saw the post over at freestompboxes.
Could not resist making a layout. Here it is:
cheers / Fredrik
check out my building blog at