oscilloscope recomendations

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oscilloscope recomendations

I am wanting to purchase an oscilloscope and have seen some that use your laptop. These are modestly priced (in my price range since I have zero experience using one) and would like to get input from folks if they are or have used them or what they recommend for someone just staring out.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: oscilloscope recomendations

I've had my eye on this one:  http://www.amazon.com/Rigol-DS1102E-Oscilloscope-Channels-Sampling/dp/B001VKCJ0M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1423170029&sr=8-1&keywords=oscilloscope

$390 ain't bad for digital and analog.

There's plenty of cheaper options but this one seems to be reliable, good reviews, nice feature set, and kind of the entry into higher tier functionality without breaking the bank.  Note that you'll want a signal generator as well.  Again, DIY options, but Rygol makes a great signal generator for about the same price as the oscillioscope.
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Re: oscilloscope recomendations

Yeah - that is nice. 390.00 (for me) isn't cheap - that's why I was considering the "other" ones for an entry level.
I know that in time, I would probably need to spend that on something like what you posted, but again, the cost has to be in the proper area of play.

To make my point (my opinion only), I certainly wouldn't spend a lot of money on a motor cycle if I was uncertain I would or wouldn't like it or use it after a certain amount of time. Nor would a normal person spend upwards of a thousand dollars plus for a first time guitar if you don't know how to play to begin with.

So spending that kind of money now does not make much sense to me. 100.00 seems reasonable as a "gamble".

No (I'll answer this now) I won't consider eBay for reasons I may have touched on in other threads.
But to rehash, some of the time (my opinion/experience) you never really know what you'll get. At least from a vendor or even a one-stop-shop like Amazon, you pretty much know you get what you pay for without any real surprises (fortunately for the 5 or 6 years purchasing via amazon, I have not had a regrettable experience).

So while the item mentioned is nice, I would have to pass... Unless someone offers to buy it for me of course

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: oscilloscope recomendations

Unfortunately I offer any suggestions as to what to get, cause I've got my dad's that he's had since the 60's-70's. I personally like having an old one, I don't know why but it just seems right to me since all my builds are analogue, and I prefer vintage stuff to new. If you're willing to go with an older piece check eBay for some older vintage units, and you can grab some of them for like $50-150 depending on model.
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Re: oscilloscope recomendations


I just took a plunge and bought this little thing! Got a scope in a cellar at home, big unwieldy soviet machine so can't really send it from Poland to UK so guess that will do.

Any recommendations for signal generators and whatnot? Got a decent soundcard so I was thinking of just using that. Anyone knows good software? If in doubt I'll just fall back to Audacity, I guess
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Re: oscilloscope recomendations

Nice catch. Those old scopes, and others of a similar vintage, feature quite regularly on ebay.

I just snagged a nice old function gen on ebay too.
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Re: oscilloscope recomendations

I'm quite chuffed. All nicely restored by seller so should be quite good. I was tryig to snatch one for ages but most of them on eBay are sold "as is" so you'll never know what it's gonna be
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Re: oscilloscope recomendations

Also, as I'm a newb with this, anyone has any good oscilloscope for dummies type resources? :)