overdrive/gain pot values

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overdrive/gain pot values

DIY Zendrive type pedal, currently I'm using a 500K linear pot, but the Overdrive/Gain is too high for my preference, I'm trying to get less Overdrive/Gain and have more control, so I can add smaller increments of Overdrive/Gain.

I don't want to purchase too many pots for these experiments as it's a hobby, can you suggest any suitable pot values?

Many thanks
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Re: overdrive/gain pot values

The gain is determined by the resistance of the pot, so if you want less gain then go for a 250K or maybe even a 100K pot.   If you want to simulate it before ordering so you know exactly what you want, then desolder the pot and you can wrap resistor leads around the Gain 1 and 3 wires.  Just try it with 100K and 250K resistors and that will simulate the maximum gain without needing a pot and so you will be able to see what value will be right for you.
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Re: overdrive/gain pot values

Many thanks, I built the pedal from your layout diagram, which was very clear and concise, which made this a very easy build, great stuff, I'm looking forward to building some more of your pedal layouts.

Thanks again.