new problem,
individually, the two preamps and the two power supplies (Mark's bipolar converter with 1n4001) works almost good (~+11/-11 at ICs pins)
not the "correct" voltage but the preamp drives brutal and better than i have expected.
when i daisy chain the two converters, i have +16/-16 at the twos
it seems perfect for the job and don't see why not.
i plug each pre separate with their own individual converter
and boom, i read +5/-5 at pins now
i don't understand the cause
9v + conv1 + preamp1 > work
9v + conv2 + preamp2 > work
9v + conv1/conv2 > work
9v + conv1/conv2+preamp1or2 > work
9v + conv1+pre1/conv2+pre2 > fail
and logically, the two converters/preamps works fine with two separate 9vpsu
i've tryed ur method ciaran (with resistors) and have +8/-8 at wires end and, +15/-7 at pins