peavey vt series phase circuit

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peavey vt series phase circuit

hello My first real amp was a peavey classic vt series made in 1979. decent amp had a good clean channel and a below par gain channel. the best thing sbout the amp imho was the wonderful phaser that was built in. it had great color and rate controls. ai sure would love  to box this circuit its above my skill level at this point. At first glance it looks very similar to a small stone it uses OTA opamps probably ca3094 . peavey had there own designstion for the OTA so a ca 3080 will probably work. I was thinking i could build another tonepad small stone layout and do value changes to make it like the peavey. i just had the idea a few days ago and started looking into it a few minutes ago. I have some studying to do on it thats for sure.

So what do you guys think? These  amps were/are  really reliable and have done well holding their value .  they still go for over 300 around here and i dont want to spend that kind of money especially when i have a 1974 modded jmp100 half stack and a 1977 jmp 50 fawn half stack. I do like the Peavey clean but not worth the money or space for me .awesome phase though ha ha.

 I know recently Sav and Alex80 have taken on some monster layouts that no one thought possible or  had time to do.. Genius is what makes this site so amazing . Mark Mirosoll Rockett88 Savvas Alex80 Travis  and Javi. you guys are tops in my book as well as all the members  that take the  time to help everyone. . this would be really cool i think .

If anyone does the layout i will verify it asap. thanks
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Re: peavey vt series phase circuit

ok well this schematic is for the mace/deuce but its the same as the peavey classic. the top right section is the phase part and just below it is the color and rate knobe middle right. it looks like it has six ca3094 ota op trans amps . i am a little confused how the color pot works its coming after the post gain. very confused on how to seperate this circuit for stand alone. anyway here are the pics of the schematic.
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Re: peavey vt series phase circuit

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Re: peavey vt series phase circuit

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Re: peavey vt series phase circuit

hey alex any chance you can seperate this phase circuit. the original chips are ca3094 like the small stone i think. ca3080 will work i would think.this is the thickest phase i have ever heard and it has a really long sweep .i saw the 140c layout and was thinkinh maybe alex can do it.. i have 7 ca3080 i been wanting to use. i am a phaser fanatic probably because of this amp.anyway i have always wished this circuit could be boxed.thanks